Dr. Amy Roberts
Associate Professor of Theology/Catechetics
- Ph.D., The University of Notre Dame Australia
- Master of Arts, Theology and Christian Ministry; Franciscan University of Steubenville
- Bachelor of Arts, English & American Language and Literature; University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
- Co-Chair and Teacher in Religion, Knoxville Catholic High School, Knoxville, TN
- Catechist, Aquinas College; Nashville, TN
- Religion teacher, St. John’s Central Catholic High School; Bellaire, OH
- Internal Communications Manager, Memorial Hospital; Chattanooga, TN
Select Publications
- “The Cultivation of Hope,” in The Catechetical Review (October – December 2017).
- “Catholic Schools: Making Citizens and Saints,” in Momentum (the official journal of the
National Catholic Education Association, February-March 2015). - “What Is Love?,” in The Sower (October – December 2014).
Department Faculty