Dr. Scott Sollom
Professor of Theology
Associate Chair, Theology
Director of Catechetical Institute at Franciscan University
- STL in the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart Seminary, Summa Cum Laude
- Ph.D. in Catechetics, University of Notre Dame, Sydney
- Masters of Arts in Theology With Specialization in Catechetics, with Honors, from Franciscan University, 1998
- BA Humanities and Catholic Culture from Franciscan University, 1994
- Consultant for USCCB Institute for the Catechism
- Member of National Council for Catechetical Leadership
- Director of Family Faith Formation in Stillwater, MN: curriculum development, catechist formation, RCIA, and Confirmation Preparation
- Director of Religious Education in College Station, TX: Sacramental Preparation, curriculum development, catechist training
- Youth Minister in Hudson WI:Confirmation Preparation, High School and Junior High youth ministry
- Member of USCCB sub-committee for implementation of OCIA
- Content and Curriculum
- Foundations of Catholicism
- Introduction to Catechetics
- New Evangelization
- RCIA and the Catechumenate
- New Evangelization
Select Publications
- Scott Sollom and Petroc Willey. “The Catechism of the Catholic Church: Anniversary Considerations.” International Journal of Evangelization and Catechetics (June, 2022): Catholic University of America.
- Sollom, Scott. “The Theological Virtues in Catechesis: Faith, Hope and Charity in the Pedagogy of the Catechism and the Life of the Catechumen.” In Speaking the Truth in Love: The Catechism and the New Evangelization, edited by Scott Sollom and Petroc Willey, 291-323. Steubenville: Emmaus Academic, 2019.
- “That They May be One.” The Catechetical Review issue 8.2. (March – May, 2022): 37-40.
- “What’s In a Name?” The Catechetical Review issue 8.3. (June – August, 2022): 42.
- “A Pagan Poet in Our Eucharistic Prayers.” Catechetical Review 7.2. (16-17), April-June, 2021.
- “Trinity and Unity in Every Catechesis.” The Catechetical Review Vol. 5.2, Spring 2019.
Full List
Presenter, on DVD and EWTN, 2013 - “LEARNING FROM ST. AUGUSTINE”
Author, Sower Review, 2007 - “HANDING ON THE FAITH”
Presenter, Cathetical series on DVD and EWTN, 2007 - “ON THE JOURNEY: CATECHIST MANUAL”
Contributing author, Association for Cathechumenal Ministry, 2005
Department Faculty