Dr. Katharina Westerhorstmann
2014: Habilitation in Moral Theology (Dr. theol. Habil), Department of Catholic Theology, University of Bonn
2004: Ph.D. (Dr. theol. Catholic Theology), Summa cum laude
Department of Theology Paderborn (Germany)
2001: Diplome (=M.A.) in Catholic Theology
Department of Theology Paderborn
1999: Vordiplom (= B.A.) in Catholic Theology
Department of Theology Paderborn
Since Fall Semester 2020: Full Professor of Theology, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Austrian Program, Kartause Gaming
2014-2020: Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow in Moral Theology at the Department of Theology, University of Bonn, Germany
2018: Visiting Professor of Theological Ethics, Newmaninstitute Uppsala (Sweden)
2016-2018: Interim Chair and Professor of Moral Theology, Department of Theology, Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt
2014-2015: Interim Chair in Moral Theology and Social Ethics, Department of Theology, University of Bonn
2005-2008: Assistant Professor of Philosophical Theology (German: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) Department of Theology, Paderborn (Germany)
2003-2005: Assistant Professor (German: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) of Moral Theology and Ethics, Faculty of Theology Paderborn
2019-2020: Guest Professor, McGrath Institute for Church Life, University of Notre Dame, IN (USA)
2014: Visiting Fellowship for Research in Jewish-Christian dialogue, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Israel), Funded by Minerva Foundation
2005: Awarded the “Friedrich-Spee-Price” for the doctoral dissertation “Selfrealization and Pro-Existence. Being a Woman in Work and Profession in the Thought of Edith Stein“
2004: Doctorate awarded “summa cum laude”
2002: Full scholarship for the doctoral research
2014: Das Liebesgebot als Gabe und Auftrag. Moraltheologie im Licht des jüdisch- christlichen Dialogs, Paderborn: Schöningh 2014 (=Studien zu Judentum und Christentum). 455 pp
[The Love Commandment as Gift and Command. Moral Theology in the Light of Jewish/Christian Dailogue]
2004: Selbstverwirklichung und Pro-Existenz. Frausein in Arbeit und Beruf bei Edith Stein, Paderborn: Schöningh 2004. (=Paderborner Theologische Studien 43) 400 pp.
[Selfrealization and Pro-Existence. Being a Woman in Work and Profession in the Thought of Edith Stein]
Edited Book
2014: Co-Editor with Nobert Feinendegen, Gerhard Höver, Andrea Schaeffer
Menschliche Würde und Spiritualität in der Begleitung am Lebensende, Impulse aus Theorie und Praxis, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2014, 532 pp
Articles in academic Journals
2020: Liberalisierung ist auch keine Lösung. Anmerkungen zur Diskussion um die kirchliche Sexualmoral beim Synodalen Weg, erscheint in: Herder Korrespondenz 08/2020
(Liberalization is not a solution. Remarks on the discussion about Sexual Morality at the German Synodal Way, upcoming)
2020: Verletzliche Liebe. Die Sexualmoral von innen erneuern, in: Stimmen der Zeit 1/2020, 51-62.
(Vulnerable Love. Renewing Sexual Morality from within.)
2019: Instrument zur Selektion oder legitime Kassenleistung? Ethische Reflexionen zum Nichtinvasiven Pränataltest (NIPT), in: Theologie und Glaube 109 (2019), 65-78.
(An Instrument for genetic selection or state-covered legitimate diagnosis? Reflexions on non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT))
2018: Sexueller Missbrauch in der Kirche und das Konzept der Vulnerabilität: Ursachen, Aufarbeitung, Prävention, in: Internationale Zeitschrift „Communio“ 47 (2018), 598-610.
(Sexual Child abuse by clerics in the church. Applying the category of vulnerability to child abuse)
“Contributions towards a structural analysis oft he catholic abuse crisis”, “Church Life Journal” (Nov 7th, 2018) URL: http://churchlife.nd.edu/2018/11/07/contributions-towards-a-structural- analysis-of-the-catholic-abuse-crisis/ (Online-Journal)
Articles in Books
2020: “Ich muss dir helfen dürfen zu leben”. Die christliche Ehe als Freundschaft verstehen, in: Knirps-Port-le-Roi, Thomas/ Sill, Bernhard (Hg): Vom Glück der Freundschaft, St. Ottilien: EOS 2020 (upcoming)
(“Ich must be allowed to help you live”. Understanding Christian Marriage as a friendship)
2020: Intrinsically relational: “Being as a gift” in its significance for both the individual and the community, in: Walter Schweidler/ Joachim Klose (eds.): The Gift and the Common Good. An Intercultural Perspective. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag 2020, 113-125.