Masters of Theological Science Program

Franciscan University of Steubenville

Master of Theological Science Program Overview

If a doctorate is in your future, our 42-credit hour Master of Theological Science (MTS) will prepare you for the rigor required in developing, writing, and defending your dissertation, helping you reach your goals of advanced theological study, teaching, and research.

Designed to help you build a proficiency in ancient and modern language that will allow you to read the original Hebrew, Greek, or Latin texts that are so essential to our faith, our MTS degree is designed for students with a theological and philosophical background who are looking for a comprehensive program that will challenge them intellectually and spiritually.

Work closely with respected theologians such as Dr. Michael Waldstein, Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. Mark Miravalle, Dr. Stephen Hildebrand, Dr. Jacob Wood, Dr. Michael Sirilla, Dr. Petroc Willey, Dr. John Bergsma, and Brother Daniel Klimeck, TOR, to explore a complex theological topic as your thesis, demonstrating advanced understanding in your chosen theological area while taking courses in systematic, moral, and historical theology.

 “Franciscan University’s Master of Theological Science equipped me for the daunting gauntlet of doctoral studies. The program artfully integrated the various theological disciplines so I could appreciate the historical and conceptual unity of Catholic theology. My professors were mentors, but also friends with whom I grew in knowledge through courses, office hours, and, most especially, a guided thesis that prepared me for the dissertation process. My CUA professors have often commented on the breadth of study and precision of methodology with which Franciscan’s program formed me.”

Shane Owens MA ’15

Teaching Fellow and Doctoral Candidate

The Catholic University of America

Program Admissions

How to Apply for Admissions

Gaining admission to the Master of Theological Science (MTS) program is simple, and we are ready to help you navigate the process. Here are the things we need:

  • Application
  • Official Bachelor Transcript and Official Transcripts with Relevant Transfer Credit
  • Three Letters of Recommendation

To gain admission to the MA in Theology Research Intensive Track  please submit the following:

  • Application
  • Official Bachelor Transcript and Official Transcripts with Relevant Transfer Credit
  • Three Letters of Recommendation
  • 7-10 Page Writing Sample
  • GRE Scores

Email them to [email protected]

Or mail them to:

Graduate Admissions
1235 University Blvd.
Steubenville, Ohio 43952

Associated Costs

The costs associated with the Master of Theological Science (MTS) program include:

  • $600 per credit hour x 42 hours = $25,200

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need help please contact Graduate Admissions at [email protected] or (740) 283-6226 ext. 1

Student Resources

View the MA Theology Program in the Graduate Catalog

Inquire For More Information
Alumni Profiles
Beyond the Classroom
The Catechetical Institute

The Franciscan University Catechetical Institute forms Catholics who form others in the faith. Through courses, conferences, advice, and resources, the institute supports clergy, parents, and all those responsible for the work of catechesis and evangelization, as they carry out Christ’s command to make disciples of all nations.

Department Faculty
Dr. Donald Asci

Dr. Donald Asci


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Dr. John Bergsma standing in front of the Franciscan University of Steubenville seal.

Dr. John Bergsma


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Dr. Ron Bolster standing in front of the Franciscan University of Steubenville seal.

Dr. Ron Bolster

Associate Professor

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Fr. Donald Frinsko

Fr. Donald Frinsko, TOR


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Dr. Scott Hahn

Dr. Scott Hahn


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Dr. Stephen Hildebrand

Vice President for Academic Affairs

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Dr. Regis Martin

Dr. Regis Martin


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Dr. Mark Miravalle


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Dr. Jeffrey Morrow


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Dr. William Newton

Dr. William Newton

Department Chair

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