Music Ministry Minor Program Overview

St. Francis of Assisi was known as a “troubadour for the Lord” and Franciscan University has long had a special charism of singing praise to God. By blending courses from our Fine Arts and Theology departments, the Music Ministry Minor is a program of study that examines the practical application of leading worship in both liturgical and non-liturgical environments. Students will study basic skills necessary for music performance, theoretical and practical applications for music ministry, the liturgy, the role of the lay ecclesial minister and Christian prayer as expressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Students will have an opportunity to apply what they have learned in activities such as playing for Mass at the chapel, Festivals of Praise, or Nights of Praise and Worship (students will need to pass an audition to participate in those ensembles).

CAT 207 Introduction to Music Ministry was created by Bob Rice and Matt Maher, and features videos from Grammy nominated Catholic songwriter Sarah Hart, liturgical composer Curtis Stephen (Mass of Renewal), popular Catholic musician Steve Angrisanno, FUS alumna Martin Doman, and many others.

Academic Catalog

View the Music Ministry Minor in the Undergraduate Catalog

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Beyond the Classroom
Be an Active Catholic Catechist

As a catechetics major, you can spread your passion for the Catholic Church and its teachings — both on the Steubenville, Ohio, campus and off. Get involved in Franciscan University’s small faith communities, pro-life and mission work, youth evangelization and retreat ministry, Catholic music ministry, liturgical service, and Franciscan intramural and intercollegiate athletics.

Department Faculty
Dr. Donald Asci

Dr. Donald Asci


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Dr. John Bergsma standing in front of the Franciscan University of Steubenville seal.

Dr. John Bergsma


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Dr. Ron Bolster standing in front of the Franciscan University of Steubenville seal.

Dr. Ron Bolster

Associate Professor

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Fr. Donald Frinsko

Fr. Donald Frinsko, TOR


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Dr. Scott Hahn

Dr. Scott Hahn


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Dr. Stephen Hildebrand

Vice President for Academic Affairs

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Dr. Regis Martin

Dr. Regis Martin


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Dr. Mark Miravalle


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Dr. Jeffrey Morrow


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Dr. William Newton

Dr. William Newton

Department Chair

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